My Technobiography

5 Jul


My earliest technology use involved things like this:

And this:

But I really wanted this:

Bondi iMac

(Sadly, I never got one.)


Back in the day, I listened to Michael Jackson on my Walkman (Inspired by

my “Free Willy” obsession) and would type random things on the computer (in

the brightest colors, and most illegible fonts).


I eventually evolved, getting a CD playing Walkman (probably solely to hum

“Mmmbop” along with), and started playing games on the computer (anyone

remember The Sims?)… Technology played a very limited part in my

childhood, especially in comparison with how reliant I am on it nowadays.

With an iPhone and a laptop, I’m never cut off from internet access and in

constant communication with friends and family. I use the internet daily:

for online banking, school (via BlackBoard), social networking, news

sources, shopping… Every time new technology comes around, I think that

it’s unnecessary and frivolous, but when I finally come around to using it,

I don’t know how I ever lived without it!


One Response to “My Technobiography”

  1. sbaker05 July 11, 2011 at 4:53 pm #

    I love the pictures! I remember using a walkman haha. Then upgraded to the cd player thing. I used to be in love with the sims as well. I would spend hours playing it on the computer. It’s crazy to think that we had those huge monitors back then and now my phone can do everything that old computer did and even more! I agree that i don’t remember using technology much in my younger years or in school but I know a lot about technology now and will definitely continue to use it in my future classroom.

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